Cutnall Green: Walk a Million Miles
Sam Anderson, a Teacher at Cutnall Green CofE Primary School shares their experience of 'Walk a Million Miles'.
Did your school experience any barriers when you began the walking initiative, and if so how did you overcome these?
We don't have a huge site so we decided on many laps of the playground. The children and staff have actually loved this small circuit as it means we get to 'lap' and 'check in' with each other as we pass!
Since starting 'million miles', what have been the benefits for the children and what has been the impact on your school?
It's had a huge impact on our wellbeing! It's hard to get Vitamin D in the winter months so it's lovely that the teachers are putting their planning and marking to one side to get outside in the sun! It's also so wonderful to see children forming new friendships across different year groups.
How have children/staff benefitted from walking the 'Walk a Million Miles'?
When we started our million miles challenge I had torn my ACL and couldn't walk at all. I had to sit on a bench and watch the children go by. More recently I've been able to build up to doing the whole mile with the children and they are always telling me how proud they are of me!
What do you think of the experience?
It couldn't have been more positive! And we're looking forward to progressing on to the school field when the weather gets nicer!
How do the children feel about 'Walk a Million Miles'?
"It's the highlight of my day" (Bobby, year 3).