Sarah Carey
Sarah has been teaching for over thirty years, initially in special schools in London, Bristol and Worcester and, for the last eighteen years, as SENDCo in mainstream primary schools in Worcester. She was part of the Lead SENDCo Team for Worcestershire for several years and completed the Lead SENDCo Course at Chadsgrove in 2016-17. She has supported schools with teaching interventions, tracking progress, EHCP requests and securing funding. Sarah is currently deputy head and SENDCo of a large two-form entry primary school in Worcester City with responsibility for SEND, Pupil Premium, safeguarding and vulnerable pupils.
Gemma Simpson
Gemma is an assistant head and reception class teacher in a primary school in Malvern. She is SENDCo and EYFS phase leader. Gemma’s role involves working with Early Years colleagues in a range of schools. Gemma also provides support and training for all Education students within the Early Years Phase.