Marie Beesley
Marie has twenty-five years’ KS1 experience including eleven years as an EYFS Lead and five years as a county EYFS moderator. She has completed the Teaching Leaders Primary programme with the National College for School Leadership and is a team leader in her two-form entry school in Worcester. Recently, Marie has been instrumental in setting up a highly successful pre-school, which she continues to oversee and monitor on a weekly basis.
Razwana Hussain
Razwana is assistant head and safeguarding lead in a primary school in Worcester. She is EYFS lead for a larger-than-average EYFS setting with 140 children ranging from 2-5 years old. Particular areas of expertise include supporting EAL children and supporting teachers in the following areas: learning environments, data analysis, observations, transition, moderation and assessment.
Stu Kent
Stu is an assistant head and foundation stage coordinator at a two-form entry primary school in Malvern where he also teaches in the pre-school. From 2011 to 2015 he was an advanced skills teacher (AST) for Early Years and supported numerous pre-school and reception settings across Worcestershire. Stu is a student teacher mentor and he supports staff in his own school and beyond with issues such as curriculum mapping, data analysis and pupil progress.
Helen Pool
EYFS in Nursery/Pre-school
Helen has extensive experience in working with children of pre-school age. She has been the manger of a successful pre-school in Worcester for ten years, which was recognised as outstanding by Ofsted twice under her leadership. This year, Helen has taken on a new challenge and is currently teaching reception children in a primary school in Worcestershire. She continues to advise and support pre-schools within Rivers CofE Academy Trust.
Gemma Simpson
Gemma is a reception class teacher in a primary school in Malvern. She is SENDCo and EYFS phase leader. Gemma’s role involves working with Early Years colleagues in a range of schools. Gemma is also a lead mentor for PGCE trainees and provides support and training for all Education students within the Early Years Phase.