Claire Hewitt
Creative Curriculum
Claire teaches in a large, three-form entry primary school in Worcester and has previously taught in Milton Keynes. Her responsibilities have included phase leader, PS coordinator and Head of the Creative Curriculum and Design. She is a member of the leadership team. Claire is involved in classroom observations and supporting School Direct students during their year training with the Rivers Teaching Alliance.
Emma Rowe
English and Curriculum
Emma is currently Assistant Head Teacher at a primary school in Worcestershire. She is an experienced English and Curriculum leader and has implemented substantial changes and new working practices across the whole primary age range to improve teaching, learning and outcomes in reading, writing, spelling, grammar, speaking and listening. Emma has led training across a number of schools as well as to trainee teachers.
Sarah Green
Maths, Phonics and Curriculum
Sarah is a Head teacher at a primary school in Malvern. During her time as a teacher and an assistant head, she has worked across all key stages. Particular areas of expertise include curriculum management, strategic management, phonics lead and maths subject lead across an academy trust. Sarah participates in GLOW maths working groups and supports teachers across the trust. Sarah holds a NPQSL and is an ITT/ NQT mentor.
Alison Davies
PE and Curriculum Enrichment
Alison has eighteen years’ teaching experience in a three-form entry primary school in Worcester where she is currently head of year 6. As PE coordinator, Alison co-ordinates spending the school’s PE and Sport Premium funding to ensure it has the most impact and she provides ‘in house’ CPD in areas such as gymnastics and dance.