About the Rivers MAT
We are a multi-academy school trust, specialists in early years and primary provision, with fifteen good and outstanding primary, first and nursery settings and a thriving teaching alliance.
Within the trust, there are eleven pre-schools, one free school and four Church of England faith schools.
The Rivers C.of.E Academy Trust is a connected learning community, we share a culture of collaboration. Our team of highly skilled staff work passionately to provide the best learning opportunities through a meaningful curriculum where children and adults acquire the knowledge, skills and positive attitudes to prepare and strengthen them for their role in society: today, tomorrow and in the future. Rather than just looking at pupil outcomes and results whilst at school, we envisage the future lives of our children, as engineers, designers, artists and teachers.
Children are at the heart of everything we do. We are passionate about making a difference and ensuring our pupils achieve the best outcomes. We have high hopes for our children, no matter their background, need or prior attainment, we place great emphasis on high expectations and quality first teaching to ensure that no child gets left behind. Therefore, education provision across our family of schools is closely matched to the specific needs of our learners, particularly the most vulnerable and their families.
Our exciting curriculum framework and range of enrichment activities provide children with the key attributes and skills which will prepare them for the next stage of their education and ensure they develop a love of learning for life.