Cranham’s exemplary Early Help Offer
Sue Turner (Nurture Lead and Family Liaison) and Charlotte Barnett (SENDco and Deputy Head) at Cranham Primary School, were asked by Worcester Children First to present Cranham’s Early Help offer to a wider audience which included police, The Youth Justice Team, RGT support workers, Youth Inclusion Team, Fire Service, GPs and the Virtual Schools Team.
Cranham’s Early Help offer is incredibly effective and ensures that families and pupils receive support well before a crisis point. In spite of Cranham being in an area of significant deprivation there are no families on Child Protection or Children in Need and the last pupil exclusion was 7 years ago!
Hayley Doyle, Area Safeguarding Officer commented on Sue and Charlotte's 'Fantastic presentation' stating "Huge thank you for taking part and sharing the amazing practice at Cranham. I’ll be signposting other schools to your Early Help page.’