To gain a variety of experience in different school settings “is the best opportunity I have had professionally”
Mrs Sarah Price, Acting Assistant Head and Lead for English, Science and Curriculum at St Clements CofE Primary School provides her account of the benefits of working for the Rivers CofE Academy Trust
"I initially joined a MAT, as working in a single school limits the opportunities available to you. Since working across the MAT, I have had the opportunity to professionally engage with a wide range of staff with a variety of experience in different school settings. It has also supported me by working with SLEs across a range of subjects.
My English School Improvement role allowed me to apply my professional knowledge to support our partner schools, whilst also taking away good examples to regularly apply to my own school. Seeing practice in a variety of settings gives you the opportunity to critically evaluate your own practice as a school and achieve the best moving forward. It is the best opportunity I have had professionally, as it is something that would not have been available in previous single school settings. It also opens potential doors for the future."