Successful COVID-19 Health and Safety Inspection at North Worcester Primary Academy
On Friday 16th October, North Worcester Primary Academy was inspected by two of Her Majesty's Inspectors from the Health and Safety Executive.
NWPA was chosen at random and were only the third school in Worcestershire to receive such an inspection.
The inspection focussed on the following areas:
- COVID-19 risk assessment
- Management arrangements
- Social distancing
- Hygiene and cleaning
- Ventilation
- How the school deals with suspected cases
It was a rigorous meeting that lasted nearly three hours, but we are absolutely delighted to report that the inspection went extremely well with NWPA achieving the best possible outcome.
Both inspectors were very complimentary about the robust processes that are in place and the measures everyone is taking.
Mrs Calvert, Head at NWPA said, 'This successful inspection was down to everyone working together for the good of our entire community and has highlighted the benefits of collaborative working and sharing good practice across the trust. We would like to thank the children, the parents and the staff for all following the instructions that have been issued. Well done everyone!'