First half term for our trainee teachers
Our trainee teachers on the Rivers Teaching Alliance PGCE have had a 'busy' half term which included a week of intensive training and practice (ITAP) sessions aimed at strengthening the link between evidence and classroom.
One trainee teacher commented "I saw a variety of different teaching styles, techniques and behaviours. I could identify the clear expectations and routines that the school has implemented through each year group the children go through. Along with the school expectations each class teacher had their effective routines and expectations."
When asked how they had found the course so far, the trainees commented:
“Really good positive experience”.
“Really full on, you're really busy but it’s a good busy because it's working towards what I want to be doing in the future”.
“Really fantastic, great support from my mentor, the Rivers Teaching Alliance and the school I’m based in Cherry Orchard Primary School."
Sarah a trainee teacher based at Cherry Orchard Primary School shares her experience of the first half term: