Dudley Wood: Walk a Million Miles
Headteacher at Dudley Wood Primary School, Sarah Guest, shares their experience of 'Walk a Million Miles'.
Where do you do the daily walk?
We use the field behind the school. The field belongs to the local community but we can mark out a course. We arrange a walk every half term and we invite the parents too. We have a good turnout.
Did your school experience any barriers when you began the walking initiative, and if so how did you overcome these?
We have very limited space to walk every day but we have been able to arrange to access the field at the rear of the school once every half term for our walk.
Since starting 'Walk a million miles', what have been the benefits for the children and what has been the impact on your school?
The children and parents enjoy the walk. In the second half of the Autumn Term, we combined our walk with Anti-Bully Week. The theme of Anti-Bullying Week was 'Reach Out'. We encouraged children and adults to talk about friendships, trust and courage as they walked.
How do the children feel about 'Walk a Million Miles'?
"The walk made me feel happy"
" I made a new friend while I walked"