CEO's Blog - 3rd July 2020
Looking forward
I can’t believe that it’s July already and that the end of the school year is looming! I think we can agree that 2019-2020 has been an unusual and challenging year for us all and I’m sure that I’m not alone in looking forward to the time when we can all be together again.
These last few weeks of the school year will be an exciting but unsettling time for our pupils as they say goodbye to the old year and start looking forward to the new year ahead - all within the context of a global pandemic! I know that staff are working extremely creatively to ensure that transition takes place across all year groups and that goodbyes are properly marked for those children who are leaving us to start secondary and middle schools.
Those of you who have not been able to come into school since March may notice a difference when you return - the decorators have been in, staff have been getting artistic and our schools are looking even more fantastic than ever! All we need now is you! We can’t wait to have you all back. Sadly, plans may have to change if a local lockdown is imposed, as is the case in Leicester at the moment, but for now, let’s just focus on looking forward to being together again in September.
Stay safe and stay in touch,
Kate Brunt