CEO's Blog - 27th November 2020
Learning for all!
This week, we are celebrating the well-earned success of two of our staff leaders who have been awarded a National Professional Qualification for Executive Leadership (NPQEL). I am amazed and awed that, during these challenging circumstances, staff are managing to continue their own learning, whilst prioritising that of our pupils. Having such role models in our staff team benefits everyone by creating an inclusive learning environment that celebrates the excitement and benefits of learning for all.
The resilience, perseverance and commitment shown by our staff in their own learning is mirrored daily by the resilience, perseverance and commitment shown by our pupils in the classroom. Similarly, heads are working hard to share innovative ways of using government COVID-19 catch-up funding in order to close the gap and ensure that pupils across the trust do well. Our school improvement team continues to support all schools to keep the best outcomes for pupils at the forefront of everything we do.
So, this week, let’s reflect on the value of learning and celebrate the learning that is taking place across the whole of our trust family, from the young to the not so young!
Have a good weekend,
Kate Brunt