CEO's Blog - 24th September 2021
CEO’s Blog 24th September 2021
Welcome Back!
Welcome back everyone and a particularly warm welcome to our new staff, pupils and families.
What an exciting and positive first few weeks we have had! Already, Year 6 pupils have had fun on residential trips, school photos have been taken, schools have hosted Macmillan coffee mornings, open days and information evenings have started, after-school clubs are up and running and we are all enjoying a sense of normality as we re-establish pre-COVID routines, whilst still following government guidelines.
Of course, there is plenty of hard work going on too! There is a real sense of purpose in all our schools as pupils and staff work together on our revised curriculum, which is based on the sustainable development goals. It has been amazing to see how wholeheartedly staff, pupils and families have embraced these goals and how quickly new and exciting ways to encourage sustainability have been introduced. From reducing printing across the trust to a parent buying a recycled pushchair and pupils visiting EnviroSort and setting up eco councils, we are all working together to make a positive difference.
Thank you staff, pupils, parents and carers for such a fantastic start to 2021-2022!
Kate Brunt