CEO's Blog - 11th September 2020
Welcome Back Everyone!
It was wonderful to see the happy, smiling faces of pupils and staff as we welcomed all year groups back to our schools last week. I am absolutely delighted to report that over 97% of our pupils have returned to schools across the trust. Well done everyone – a fantastic start to the new school year!
I have spent some time this week visiting our schools and saying a socially distanced ‘hello’ to pupils - always the favourite part of my job! It is clear to see that pupils and staff are thrilled to be back together again. Obviously, our priority is the safety and wellbeing of our community and it has been reassuring to see how quickly pupils have adapted to the new routines of regular handwashing and social distancing. A huge thank you to parents and carers for following the new guidance about staggered starts/finishes, different entrance/exit points, bags, lunch boxes and PE kit. It is a lot to take in, I know, but these new arrangements have been put in place for the safety of our pupils, staff and families and your support is greatly appreciated by us all.
We are all looking forward to an exciting term ahead as we continue our learning journey – together again!
Look after yourself and each other,
Kate Brunt